Sep 15, 2018
When people think of a leader, they may assume that it means the same thing as boss. In a management position, you want to inspire employees to be willing to follow you, not force them to do your bidding. Leadership positions can be very challenging but usually managers will learn how to lead through trial and error. People who are hired in supervisor positions are usually the best for the job, these are things that even the most experienced leaders need to watch out for.
It can be very frustrating when you are expecting work to be completed but it still hasn’t gotten done, so some managers feel the need to resort to controlling what their employees are doing at all times. But taking a step back and allowing people to complete things on their own might make them realize that they want to succeed on their own. Sometimes supervisors confuses control with leadership, which can backfire and make their staff resent them. When leaders are willing to listen to others ideas and criticism, it can create an office where people enjoy coming into work every day because they feel valued. When a leader understands that they do not have to constantly worry about their employees, then they can have more free time to work on their own projects.
Taking Blame
Mistakes will happen, and how a manager handles them is what defines a leader. Shifting the blame to others when things go wrong makes it seem like you are not part of the team and that you can’t handle responsibility. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them. When negative things happen, your attitude and willingness to correct the situation shows that take you position seriously. Blaming others will cause your employees to feel that they are working against you, not with you. Managers who only take part in their team successes will create a competitive work environment.
Personal Life
Everyone has worked hard to get into a managerial position. To get ahead in the corporate world, most people believe that they have work long hours and give up their free time to get a competitive edge. But neglecting your family, friends and personal hobbies for your job is never worth it. Workplace stress is the number one cause of stress for Americans, and having more responsibility can seem overwhelming, but learning to balance work and home life will make you a better leader which will reflect positively in your work.
True leadership means that you are always willing to learn. You will experience success and failure, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. As a manager, you are not expected to know everything, but being mindful of these common mistakes can help managers navigate the tricky terrain of being in a leadership position.